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Moon Phase Meanings for Manifestation

I’ve always loved the idea of implementing a schedule into spiritual practices— especially when that calendar is dictated by solely the moon, in all its mystery and grace. Over my years of exploring the Law of Attraction and various New Age practices for spiritual cleansing, I’ve found that aligning my manifestation methods to flow with the birth and death of the moons New and Full phases reaped powerful benefits. Whether it was the aura of ritual or genuine control of the magnetic energy that comes with these particular positions of the moon, I felt focused in the purpose of my practice and confident that the universe was working with me to bring my dreams into fruition. Either way, I am a strong believer in reality is created by the mind, and the assurance in these manifestation sessions being undoubtedly effective had already put me steps ahead in bringing miracles unto my life. Whether you believe in the power of the moon’s energy or are still a skeptic, it doesn’t hurt to try. Here’s what I’ve learned about the moon’s phases and how to plan your manifestation practices around them.

New Moon

Creativity; new beginnings; Ask for what you want; attract new opportunities 

Days before:

  • Determine your intentions and concise into one overlaying desired attraction

  • Spend time believing in your intention and that you are deserving of it

  • Write down your manifestation

  • Visualize the outcomes and what your life would be like with it. Be imaginative 

  • Meditate on your visualizations

  • Journal your thoughts, creating a story around the manifestation and add to it over the days to build on it

  • Organize your manifestation

Hour Before:

  • cleanse front door (sage, etc)

  • Detox with sea salt water, lavender

  • Completely relax

To prepare:

  • cleanse the area with sage

  • light candles

  • Incense

  • Revisit journal


  • meditate

  • Silence thoughts

  • Connect with the divine

  • Once comfortably in touch with invoked spirit, manifest 

To Manifest: 

  • Read intentions out loud to the universe and follow each with “this or more”

  • Request the assistance of the New Moon to help guide your manifestations

  • Say a prayer of gratitude to the New Moon with positive energy and provide formal thankfulness 

  • Silently meditate and be still while you visualize and feel the New Moon receiving your connection and beginning to work for your manifestation 

  • Blow out candle and visualize the smoke gravitating towards the moon as your exerted energy being felt and received 

After manifestation:

  • revisit your journaled intentions and story every day, reminding yourself what you have asked for is coming to you

  • Act on your intentions by living in harmony with what you wish to acquire, showing the Universe that you are ready and willing to put in what you’d like to get out of it

  • Channel positive energy and thoughts around your intentions. Stay positive to attract positive

Full Moon

Completion; Cleansing, detaching; releasing intentions; removing blocks 

Days before:

  • Determine your intentions and what you are wanting to remove from your life 

  • Spend time believing in your intention and that you are deserving of it

  • Determine what you would like to progress in your life by removing these blocks

  • Write down both your desired removals and the manifestation for abundance in your life that will come with these releases

  • Visualize the outcomes. Be imaginative 

  • Meditate on your visualizations

  • Journal your thoughts, creating a story around the manifestation and add to it over the days to build on it

  • Organize your manifestation

Hours before

  • cleanse back door and room (sage, etc)

To prepare: 

  • Set up outside under the Full Moon

  • Cleanse the area with sage

  • Burning vessel

  • Lighter

  • Paper with intentions written


  • meditate

  • Silence thoughts

  • Connect with the divine

  • Read intention allowed and end with “and so it is done”

  • Read with complete trust that it is coming your way and believe that the motions are in progress for this completion for the good of your intention

  • Say a prayer of gratitude to the New Moon with positive energy and provide formal thankfulness 

  • Silently meditate and be still while you visualize and feel the New Moon receiving your connection and beginning to work for your manifestation 

  • Burn the paper and place in vessel 

  • Visualize the smoke going into the air as your intentions coming to completion

Hours after:

  • cleanse back door and room (sage, etc)

  • Rinse off and visualize water going down the drain as doing away with what no longer serves you

  • Detox with sea salt water, lavender

  • Completely relax

After ritual:

  • Embrace and enjoy the feeling of freedom from the lifted weight that you’ve now cleansed yourself from— gratitude.